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Wishing: A Slice of Poetry

By Billy | July 8, 2008

I spent a long time in high school pouring over a notebook I had filled with ridiculous poems.  I guarded this book ferociously—it contained my most genuine self at the time.  On a whim, I remember, one summer day I asking my friend for a critique—I was secretly hoping she’d catch onto the cryptic, hidden meaning and offer me advice on the issue I was too timid to simply explain.  When she had finished reading, she replied with something along the lines of, “Billy.  I have no clue what this means, but it strikes a chord in me.  I hope you show me some more—I hope you show a lot of people.” 

It took a long time to build up any confidence in my writing ability, but I do come up with a poem or two every now and then that I am actually proud of.  Despite winning contests, being selected for publication three times, and positive feedback from friends, I still feel that it’s pure luck when those few good poems happen to flow from my fingers.  In any case, I’d like to share with you some works from time to time; those rare one’s I think people might find interesting. 

This one is about a girl– a pretty (and) special one.  I wrote it in the fall of 2007.  I suppose I will call it Wishes.

I wish I were your pillow
and wish I were your sheets.well I wish I were that little place
that your neck and hairline meets.

I wish I were that blanket that you’ve
had since you were young.
I wish I were those whispered words
springing from your tongue.

I wish I were the rays of sun that come
to wake you up,
or at least that bag of tea there
sitting in your cup.

I wish I were the rising steam
which makes your shower warm,
or that silly old umbrella there to
shield you from the storm.

I wish I were those absent thoughts
running through your mind,
I wish I were the cause of that
feeling you can’t find.

I wish I were the reason that
you got up today,
I wish I were the cause of
your smiling that way.

I wish your throat would knot up
when someone says my name.
I wish you knew the way I feel
I wish you felt the same.

I wish that I could save you.
As foolish as it seems,
I wish we shared the love that
we do in all my dreams.




As always, all critiques and comments are greatly appreciated.  I will answer as many specifics as I am comfortable with, so don’t hesitate.  Thanks for taking the time to read it.  😀 

Topics: Utterly Random | 1 Comment »

One Response to “Wishing: A Slice of Poetry”

  1. Jim Says:
    July 27th, 2008 at 10:03 pm

    I like it a lot, Bill. It’s beautiful.