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Webcomic of the [ATF] Installment #n+1 (i++?)

By William Alexander | January 5, 2009

Whooooo.   I haven’t written in far, far too long.  Hello, I wish you all the best in whatever holidays or whatever you call new year, and if you’re like me — a happy day since they’re all the same.

I have been stumbling a lot having been home from school.  A lot.  (I’ve also been downloading movies, music, and playing one particular zombie game that’s pretty fun)

Stumbling for me means finding funny things.  In particular, comics.  Todays Web Comic of the Arbitrary Time Frame comes from Buttersafe.   I hope you enjoy.

comic comic comic

I think it’s funny, okay?


Okay.  More to come.  Aaron, if you haven’t lost faith in me, I will respond to you eventaully, I promise!

Till next time,

Peace out, homies!

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