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The Tao of Energy (or something like that)

Thursday, July 17th, 2008

I am a fairly whimsical guy sometimes. Because of this, I tend to keep my intentions quiet until I’m fairly certain they are more than a spur-of-the-moment decision; such decisions of mine are rarely followed through. This proves a good practice at times—I’ve been determined at one time or another to teach myself Chinese, to […]

A(nother) Poem: It’s Not You. It’s Me.

Monday, July 14th, 2008

The universe seems to work most frequently in patterns.  I love watching these things play themselves out, develop, progress, and repeat themselves.  The universe is nothing but a big game of pong; evenly matched players that are both the cause and result of events.  I feel that we are each the ball in this game.  […]

Wishing: A Slice of Poetry

Tuesday, July 8th, 2008

I spent a long time in high school pouring over a notebook I had filled with ridiculous poems.  I guarded this book ferociously—it contained my most genuine self at the time.  On a whim, I remember, one summer day I asking my friend for a critique—I was secretly hoping she’d catch onto the cryptic, hidden […]

Hello! Who are you!? No really.

Friday, June 27th, 2008

Hello again. I know I just posted yesterday, but I have had some free time to think and though I’d like to space my posts out, I see no reason not to keep the content flowing for now. In fact, I hadn’t put the connection together consciously, but the very same reason I have refrained […]

The Musical Journey

Thursday, June 12th, 2008

Thus far I have been thoroughly enjoying spectacular sounding post titles. As these rarely indicate what the post is actually about, I may change my ways at some point. Till then, you’re stuck reading the actual post to find out what the topic is. Today I’m talking about finding new music. I have found that […]

an meinem Geburtstag

Monday, June 9th, 2008

Dear Fantastic Rumbelow Readers, While I maybe have been far too busy doing amazing and awesome stuff yesterday, so I couldn’t make a post on my REAL birthday, just for you I took some time out today (the day after) to write and entertain you. Since late birthday presents are just as horrible as no […]

Killer Robots Are Coming!

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

Actually, no killer robots are coming. I just wanted to make the title appealing so as to drag you in! Muahaha. This one’s actually just a post about the ridiculously exciting technology that’s emerging these days. My brother was the one to show this video to me; he said that this sort of work is […]

The Joy of lolcats!

Monday, June 2nd, 2008

By my standards, the fact that I am here writing for a second day indicates that this is more than just a random and whimsical project. Granted, I have been thinking about this for more than a year, but I think about a lot of things that I would never actually do. In short, I’m […]

Humble Beginnings: A Legends is Born

Sunday, June 1st, 2008

All Blogs have a first post. Mine is better than every other first post ever.

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