Humble Beginnings: A Legends is Born
By Billy | June 1, 2008
None of this is terribly important. Not in and of itself, that is. Perhaps it was boredom, perhaps divine inspiration; whatever it was, SOMETHING pushed me to the breaking point. That’s right, I’ve broken down and become a blogger. Lucky you. What implications does this have? None. Nothing whatsoever is implied intrinsically by the very fact that I have become a blogger. Whatever you glean from this fascinating and amazing blog, you interpret on your own.
That’s what’s so amazingly crazy about language in the digital age; I’m sitting here pushing these semi-squarely-shaped buttons on my keyboard, which get turned into electrical impulses, translated eventually into a bunch of 1’s and 0’s, then regurgitated back into more meaningful information which paints itself ephemerally on your computer screen. (unless you print my blogs for some reason.. in which case, STOP! YOU’RE WASTING PAPER!) From there, the words fly at an alarming speed to your eyeball, where they get flipped upside down, only to be turned right side up by your brain. Here is where the magic happens; your brain takes these squiggles and identifies them as graphemes; mostly letters. Letters quickly add up to be morphemes, and eventually words! (All this has happened in a fraction of a second) These words don’t mean anything alone. Alone, words are just squiggles and nothing more. (Hence the title of my Blog: The Rumbelow, which is defined as “A combination of meaningless syllables.”)
It is my goal to make these squiggles and colored pixels occur in some pattern that my readers interpret as somehow useful or meaningful, although they are intrinsically, as we Buddhists say, empty. It is my hope that you use me for a source of random interesting information, a cure for boredom, an enabler for procrastination, or even a source of inspiration. It’s important to note, however, that all I’m doing is sending electrical impulses. Whatever goodness this blog “generates” ultimately comes from within yourself.
Topics: Utterly Random | Comments Off on Humble Beginnings: A Legends is Born
The Utopographer
By Billy | June 1, 2008
I am thinking about writing a piece of fiction. I know how I’d like it to end and I know the message I would like to convey. Thus, I have composed the first chapter in hopes that the rest will magically spring forth from my fingers. You will soon realize that this blog is about as random as anything you can imagine.
I’d appreciate any suggestions or questions you have since they will help me better myself. Critiques and criticisms are always welcome for all of my work. I’m trying out different titles, as well. A Utopographer is one who depicts Utopias, which is somewhat relevant to the plot here, just not in this Chapter.
Chapter 1:
It’s difficult to accept that you’ve been chosen even as it unfolds before your eyes. The human mind has an impeccable ability to explain away what we experience in such a way that we don’t have to leave our emotional comfort zone until it’s absolutely necessary. Even then, few will choose to believe it. I didn’t know I was chosen until well after it was happening; even if I knew, I don’t believe there would have been any way to stop it.* Hindsight shows me that I had no choice; Dr. Margana had chosen me for his experiment long ago. That’s the way it is. It had to be.
In the past I read stories with enthusiasm. They were but stories then; fiction. Not for a moment did I imagine I would (or even could) find myself tumbling down the rabbit hole and landing myself in Wonderland. Rather than following a peculiarly clothed, talking white rabbit, like Alice, I followed what all boys my age sought; a girl.
*They say that hindsight is 20/20, but it almost never is. Hindsight is clouded with fear that makes our “should haves” and “could haves” obvious. With true hindsight we realize why we chose the path we did, and understand.
Topics: The Story of Brahman, Works of Fiction | Comments Off on The Utopographer
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