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WCot[ATF]! Installation #3: Sinfest
By Billy | September 4, 2008
So my dear friend Adella has ruined my life forever. Yes, she has already been a wonderful help in my spiritual growth, but she has honestly sucked my soul out of my body and given it to satans most devious incarnation. Stumbleupon.com is perhaps the greatest/worst thing ever. I want my life back!
My spirit tells me that I’m supposed to do homework instead of wasting so much time online. This will be a major challenge this semester. <sigh>
Okay. Well I have been using Stumble! to kill time since it gives me informative pages relative to my interests, spreading from pages about Shamanism, photography, artists, and nerd stuff. I just stumbled across this comic and thought it was kinda funny.
Here you guys go. Sinfest:
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